1st Youth and Amateur Symphony Orchestra Festival of the Baltic States NUOVA SINFONIA BALTICA 2016
The 1st Youth and Amateur Symphony Orchestra Festival of the Baltic States NUOVA SINFONIA BALTICA will be held at Daugavpils Unity House Concert Hall from the 4th till 5th November 2016, Latvia.
Address: Rīgas iela 22a, Daugavpils, Latvia.
In the festival will participate 12 youth and amateur orchestras with 600 participants from all three Baltic countries:
Viljandi Youth Symphony Orchestra, Estonia / conductor Riivo Jõgi /,
Nõmme Music School Symphony Orchestra, Estonia / conductor Riivo Jõgi /,
Old Town Music School String Orchestra, Estonia / conductor Rasmus Puur /,
Alytus Music School Youth Symphony Orchestra Svajone, Lithuania
/ conductors Daiva Martikonyte, Karolis Variakojis /,
Youth Symphony Orchestra of Balys Dvarionas Decennary Music School in Vilnius, Lithuania,
/ conductor Modestas Barkauskas /,
Pārdaugava Music and Art School Symphony Orchestra, Latvia / conductor Boļeslavs Voļaks /,
Jāzeps Mediņš Rīga 1st Music School Symphony Orchestra, Latvia / conductor Laura Staša /,
Jugla Music School Symphony Orchestra, Latvia / conductor Mārcis Miķelsons /,
Pierīga Music Schools Joint Symphony Orchestra, Latvia / conductor Pēteris Plūme /,
Jānis Norvilis Madona Music School Symphony Orchestra / conductor Mārtiņš Bergs /,
Krimulda and Limbaži Youth Symphony Orchestra / conductor Aivars Bunķis /,
Daugavpils Sinfonietta / conductor Aivars Broks /.

Pievienots: 14/10/2016 13:17
Autors: Normunds Dreģis