Latvian Orchestras Association
Latvian Orchestras Association (LOA) has brought together 800 members from 26 Latvian Youth and Amateur symphony, chamber and string orchestras (8 symphony orchestras, 14 chamber orchestras, 4 string orchestras). They are the orchestras of Latvian music high schools, music and art schools, as well as various local government cultural centers from all regions of Latvia.
LOA was founded on 24th October 2012 by conductors of Latvian youth symphony, chamber- and string orchestras and representatives of various orchestras and music schools principals as well.
Aims of Latvian Orchestras Association:
1. To promote and develop the creative activity of Latvian youth and amateur symphony orchestras, chamber and string orchestras in Latvia and in the international arena;
2. Promote the creation of new symphony, chamber and string orchestras in Latvia;
3. Develop and popularize the youth and amateur orchestras movement in Latvia and the world;
4. Promote public interest and understanding of the importance of symphony and chamber orchestras movement in Latvia.
The tasks of the Latvian Orchestras Association:
1. Promote mutual cooperation between Latvian universities, secondary schools, music and art schools, as well as amateur symphony and chamber orchestras;
2. Organize festivals, concerts, master classes, creative camps and other cultural activities;
3. Promote the youth orchestras repertoire creation and sharing;
4. Participate in the Latvian Song and Dance Festival;
5. Organize and support members of the Association in various international events and exchange programs;
6. Cooperate with the Symphony Orchestras Associations from Baltic countries, the European Orchestras Federation (EOFed), and other orchestras associations in the world;
7. Promote the LOA orchestras, conductors and collective leader's professional growth, as well as to encourage the mutual exchange of work experience;
8. Cooperate with the national, local government and other organizations;
9. Attract public, private and other financial resources for the realization of LOA aims.
The board of Latvian Orchestras Association:
Normunds Dreģis President of LOA
Mārcis Miķelsons Vice-president of LOA
Aivars Broks Board member of LOA
Mārtiņš Bergs Board member of LOA
Aivars Bunķis Board member of LOA